Free lunch….?

Personal productivity No Comments

Who said there is no such thing as free lunch (well webinar)?

Please do sign on, or pass on, for the free personal productivity online seminar at 2pm GMT on 10th January? See the second section here

And you can register quickly by completing this with your email address or contact phil.hadridge@idenk.com instead.

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Has xmas come early…??

Personal productivity No Comments

The second section of our Festive Briefing offers something you might want….

Please sign up for the complimentary personal productivity webinar at 2pm GMT on the 10th January – or pass it on.

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What would you do?

Reflect No Comments

I get lots of emails from family and friends with viral ‘funnies’.

I liked this one.

The producers of this beer commercial borrowed a small, 150 seat cinema playing a popular film, and filled 148 of its seats with rough-looking, tattooed bikers, leaving only two free seats in the middle of the theatre.

They then allowed theatre management to sell the last pair of tickets to several couples for different showings.

What would you do?

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Web work for good – and ill

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This sad story shows how the internet fuels “power of the people” – for both good and bad purposes.


Will the real Richard Branson please stand up

Think No Comments

A powerful contrast in these two pieces….a positive and negative take on Richard Branson both from The Guardian, over one week:

This vrs this.

Where does the ‘truth’ lie?

How can we know?

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– good film?

Plan No Comments

What is a ‘good film’?

A feature or fact?

Positive or challenging?

Some can cover all bases….this one links nicely to my concern for developing counties, the role of women and carbon (despite the flights involved).

Will be a great film when they have finished it and it is released next year.

I would like to see more high quality documentaries next year – resolution #1 J

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working not Work

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Further to our recent post,  how far to keep busy for a fulfilled life,  how much do you like working (hobbies, home improvement, keeping up with people) but not Work ( – capital W…ie paid activity to cover your costs)? 

How far could you align the two – doing the sort of projects you love, for a living? 

What would be your most beautiful career, if you could create it?

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Planes, Trains etc = Happy Thanksgiving

Front foot, Reflect No Comments

At this time of economic anxiety and woe, there are still, in the words of Ian Dury, reasons to be cheerful.

Recalling the seminal John Candy and Steve Martin film “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”, yesterday, on Thanksgiving eve, I travelled back from a client event and in just over 10 hours travelled by

– Taxi

– Train

– Underground

– Plane (two)

– Bus

– Car

I needed to manage a tram and ferry to travel by pretty much every sort of public transport!

The reason to be cheerful?  

Unlike the film, how smoothly everything went – other than one escalator and one lift failure.  I even managed to board an earlier plane for my second leg from Frankfurt airport.

It is easy to forget just how much goes right in the modern world, for those of us with more than minimal resources and who live in stable, developed counties.

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Our productive bandwidth

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What is the surest way to fulfilment?

Broadly there are two schools of thought.  Many aspire to idleness: planning the quiet weekend, hoping for an easy early retirement, keeping working hours low. Others argue that reasonable levels of stress keep us mentally alert and physically fit – and calming down gives us more time to fret and get fat.

It probably won’t surprise, that as part of our thinking about living a ‘front foot’ life, we see it as a question of balance!

Most independently wealthy people, emeritus academics or aged social entrepreneurs, have a few projects on the go at any one time – even in late retirement (if they have one!).  But also, it is good to be able to sit still and listen – to early morning birdsong, meditatively, to yourself or nothing at all.  And it is good to be able to calmly watch – what is going on in the relationships around you, noticing people going by from a café. 

Reflecting why you have an aversion to sitting still or taking on lots is probably a good question for a therapy session!

So the challenge is to discover the best route to create and sustain positive emotions.  Acheiving the balance between activity and idleness – projects and chilling – is an important element. It can be a difficult balance to strike, with the risk of overreaching and it’s associated stress or under activity with the resulting lethargy.  Getting the balance right gets us into the ‘flow’ and allows us to be our most productive in work and play.

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To memorise or not to….um…

Do, Personal productivity No Comments

I have a new passport. With a nine digit number. With a date of issue. And expiry.

Thinking ahead to those online visa applications and the many landing cards to be completed over the next 10 years, is it worth memorising all those details so I don’t need to dive into the document draw or retrieve my jacket from the overhead locker or cupboard?

Broadly there are two schools of thought on this one.

The first (epitomized by Dave Allen author of Getting things Done), argues to supplement our minds as much as we can – with lists, data banks – creating the space for attention on important tasks. On the other hand, some (such as the Brain Gym movement) argue that exercising our ‘mental muscle’ with simple memory activities improves the functioning of our minds.

Whilst I quite like numbers, am good at recalling upcoming diary dates and can remember many phone numbers (mainly those from years ago before the era of mobile phones and digital landlines with rapid dial), I do find numbers over 7 digits hard going.

But on this occasion, I have decided and already learnt those passport details.  I think.  54…Or is it 45… Hum

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