Tag: choice

What we say matters

Reflect No Comments

There is a legacy to what we say and do.

A legacy to others – and for us.

We create our reality in how we talk.

In the conversations

– with call centre staff

– in a store

– with a family member

– with a friend

– with a partner

– with a business colleague

Talking well with – and of – others matters…

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How many modes have you got?

Personal productivity, Reflect No Comments

How many modes

(including ways of speaking/interacting such as tone of voice, physical stance, speed and gaps in speech)

do you have…

When you lead a meeting?

When you speak with your staff?

When you meet people 1:1?

How aware are you of your style – and the choices you have about that?

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Weed it out or let it blossom?

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It’s that gardening time of year.  Depending on your level of expertise, it can be hard to distinguish a plant you want to keep from a weed you want to get rid of.

And depending on the garden design, cultural norms and personal preferences, it is possible to categorise a plant one way or the other.  The Rhododendron or Russian Vine can be loved or loathed in different parts of the world and different gardens.

Is this a prickly weed where it shouldn’t be? Or a prized species that will flower to delight all who see it?


Before cutting something down or pulling it out, being clear on what is of value is important.

What creative ideas could you hold onto before casting them aside?  It took a while for the ineffectual glue that became essential for the Post-It Note to be appreciated.

PS it’s Berkheya purpurea, native of southern africa and growing happily in Cambridgeshire.

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Heart-warming and helpful

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Two links to inspire.

One, Heart-warming.

 The other, Helpful?

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What’s important?

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If you believe Paul McKenna, learning to eat differently is more important than dieting or avoiding certain foods in losing weight. 

Nigella Lawson says that shopping is more important than cooking in entertaining well.  

In business, how we talk about things is probably more important than what we write.  What we ask, more important than what we say.  What we notice, more important than what we make. 


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Taking responsibility

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Nature or nurture.  That is it.  That’s the choice.  As well as being a cliché it misses something really important.  In explaining something, the other option is “no, it is me”.  Looking back for explanations leads so easily to excuses.  Living in the now, in the present, the moment, demands personal responsibility.  Stopping and reflecting on personal choices is hard, but helpful.

So when you next hear that little phrase to do with biology or socialisation, think “Now, how might deciding to see the issues as about personal choice change things?”

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