Tag: innovation

The key moment, for a nation and national treasure

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When we work with groups in ‘scenario planning mode’, we are often looking for tipping points – issues that can have a massive knock on impact, such as the emergence of the ‘information superhighway’ that the Hemingford Scenarios in the early 90’s spotted early.

And thinking personally, does your life have a defining moment? Stephen Fry talks of a decision his whole life ‘hinged’ upon, see this from a local Norfolk paper.

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Comprehensive thinking on innovation

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Welcome back after your Easter Break.

A great piece on innovation to whet your thinking.


Your Napoleonic War analogy

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In military history the creation of line infantry in Napoleonic times was a major innovation, but one that required those being fired at to stand closely with colleagues, to help then hold their nerve.

This might be a metaphor for proximity in teams (virtual and face to face) – time together is crucial.

And sometimes, in an event, we encourage voting and exploration of option with a ‘Human Histogram’- it can be easier for some with deviant views to speak up when they see others standing shoulder to shoulder with them.

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Helping your customers choose.

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This website from a hospital was pointed out to us by a client this week. It gives patients as much information as possible to guide their decision about whether, where and when to go to emergency health services in Lincolnshire.

We like this.

What can you do to help your customers make the most informed choices about your products and services?

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Meditation as an organisational intervention?

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Being still is getting to be quite popular (in literature and magazine articles) it seems.


Recently, a client group chose to pick up an offer from a funky venue in London for a 30 minute meditation session.  It was very popular with this rational and scientific bunch – so much so, they have experimented with a minute of silence at the start of their team meeting.

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Surprisingly good coffee

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Further to a recent post on the (slow) speed of innovation transfer in the hot drinks market, we now find that in the hunt for a great Flat White coffee:

1) lots of places serve a white Americano instead (not the double shot of espresso, in a small cup, topped with velvety milk)

2) Starbucks (perhaps against expectations?) do a good job at it.

Being the biggest doesn’t mean you can’t be the best at ‘stealing with pride’.flat white2

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Choosing what to nudge

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paracetamol_smallAustralia is an interesting place with its phrases to encourage personal responsibly (eg “Slip Slap Slop”, “Stop Revive and Survive” and “Get Down Low – Go, Go, GO”) and some regulation (eg cycle helmets).

And then on certain things, the UK has the legal lead. For over a decade it hasn’t been possible to buy Paracetamol in 100 tablet boxes (to reduce inadvertent liver damage from para-suicide…there’s a story around the plot line in TV’s Casualty series if you’re interested).

In Australia, these large-size boxes are still available. Perhaps the different characters of our nations (and the campaigns that have shaped them) are subtly revealed through everyday things like cycling and headaches.

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Where next for education?

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Having been doing more work in education, we are spotting things about the downsides of the education system and things that might improve it (eg Bill Gates’ favourite teacher).

And now with Jamie’s Dream School and the O2 website for teachers to post their favourite lessons, innovations to address some of the challenges are going more public and mainstream.

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Fancy a flat white? You’ve had to wait a while…

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Flat white coffeeThe flat white coffee was invented in Auckland (or Sydney depending on who you ask) in the late 1980s.

Twenty years later, it is now being popularised in the UK by Costa (though they don’t quite do it like the attached shot from an independent coffee shop in Sydney).

Innovations can take a surprisingly long time to spread.

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Quality and value: chocolate reindeer anyone?

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Aldi adThis festive advert from the discount chain Aldi (who interestingly vies regularly for top spot in the Which? ‘retailer of the year’ against  John Lewis and is rated a top 5 place for new graduates by The Times) reminds us that the search for quality and value spans all sectors! 

Successful companies are passionate about these two themes.

The NHS Institute uses the same phrase . 

One of the principal methods for achieving these potentially competing goals is ‘Lean thinking’.

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